Anatomy of a successful B2B digital marketing campaign

Customized digital content at scale, speed, and cost advantage are vital ingredients for encouraging brand awareness and engagement across buyers' journeys while executing an efficient digital marketing campaign.

Most businesses want to engage in digital marketing but putting together an efficient marketing strategy may be difficult. When designing a marketing plan, marketers must consider creative demands, budget, content formats, platforms, and channels. The audience, on the other hand, is the most important determining factor in good marketing. And if you don't target the proper customer profile at the right time in the marketing funnel, your campaign will almost certainly fail. 

Along with brand recognition, a tailored customer experience is essential for cultivating trust, long-term loyalty, and brand equity in the success of a digital marketing campaign. 

We'll go through how the universal marketing ideas of inbound and outbound marketing may assist you in developing digital marketing activities for your company. 


A quick glance at the principles of inbound and outbound marketing 

Inbound marketing is a type of marketing that attracts customers 

To meet a demand or address an issue, people look for products, services, or valuable material. Businesses should provide educational content detailing a typical strategy to solving a set of difficulties that their consumers are facing, as well as how their products, services, or solutions would address those challenges using the prescribed approach. The content should be educational and clear enough to answer crucial issues or meet their demands in their specialty business. 

Funnel-1Reference: Prominence Global

For instance, a detailed blog created by a digital marketing agency on "Where and what type of videos to consider for different stages of the customer journey?" is more likely to pique the interest of marketers looking for video marketing strategy ideas and solutions.

Outbound marketing is a type of marketing that reaches out to customers

This strategy focuses on actively reaching out to a broader audience in the hopes of generating a significant return on investment.

Traditional marketing activities such as direct mail, events, billboards, event sponsorships, tradeshows, cold calling, and adverts in newspapers, TV, radio, and online are commonly connected with this marketing method. Outbound marketing now includes digital strategies such as pay-per-click advertising, media planning and buying, Google ads, sponsored social media promotions, and email marketing, among others.

Imagine getting an email or seeing a digital advertisement for a portable blood pressure monitor, especially if you've decided to take a proactive approach to your health. Isn't this enough to make you want to go out and get the machine right away? Yes! This new approach to outbound marketing necessitates the use of data and analytics.

Click here to learn more about how Ethosh can support you in developing and implementing an outbound marketing strategy for your company.

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Source: CIENCE

Campaign for digital marketing

Digital marketing is no longer an afterthought in today's rapidly changing technology world. It goes beyond Google SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing). However, it's more about mapping and aligning digital interaction strategies to the various stages of the customer journey in order to influence and support the action we expect customers to do at each moment. From building awareness at the top of the funnel to sales conversion at its narrowest point, a comprehensive approach to digital campaigns plays a critical part in the marketing funnel. To achieve a good ROI, greater agility and cost minimization on a bigger scale are required. Businesses can get the most out of digital marketing with the help of marketing automation technologies and approaches like managed content development.

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The technique of managed content generation complements the administration of digital campaigns. Whether you need content for top-of-funnel awareness, middle-of-funnel engagement and education, or bottom-of-funnel conversions, it helps organizations create smart, creative, digital, interactive, and immersive content– on time and on budget.

How can Ethosh help you create a successful digital marketing campaign strategy?

At Ethosh, we understand your digital marketing goals of raising brand recognition in order to increase company conversions. With the support of a skilled team in digital marketing and the industry area, we seek to build the finest inbound, outbound, hybrid, or ABM (Account-Based Marketing) strategies needed to fulfill your marketing objectives and KPIs.

We continue to invest in subject matter expertise and technologies in the healthcare, engineering, marketing, and customer experience domains to ensure that our customers receive only the finest service possible, allowing them to focus on what they do best.

Ethosh is a competent, enterprise-focused digital marketing agency that helps organizations develop interactive, immersive, and personalized content, with extensive experience in healthcare. The in-house team of strategists, content writers, subject matter experts, creative designers, quality assurance, and digital/MA experts assists with the timely delivery of a well-thought-out digital campaign.

Ethosh can deliver multiple content formats at scale, speed, and at a lower cost to increase brand awareness and differentiate your brand interaction across the buyer's journey. Modern marketing automation technologies, such as Adobe Marketo, Hubspot, Eloqua, Salesforce Pardot, and others, are also utilized to execute digital marketing campaigns effectively. These tools are used to evaluate and assess the strategies' efficacy. Ethosh also employs Google Analytics, which aids in the estimation of the consumer journey on the company's website.


Ethosh also provides a wide range of tailored and personalized services, such as marketing automation, pay-per-click (PPC), LinkedIn paid ads, SEO, and more.


Ethosh is ranked Top 25 Innovative Firms in India by CII 2018/2021, having worked with 8 of the world's top 10 Medical Device companies.

Our case studies

Ethosh takes the approach of understanding the challenges and designing appropriate digital marketing and automation strategies. Here are some of the successful strategies Ethosh has used for its clients, using a tailor-made mix of inbound and outbound marketing as per the client's need.

Strategy 1

Industry type: Manufacturing

Use cases: Platform implementation, Campaign management, Content creation

Offerings or solutions: Digital Marketing Campaign, Managed Content Services

A leading valve manufacturing company wanted to have Marketing Automation practices implemented from scratch. Ethosh, being HubSpot Solution Partner facilitated the company to implement the marketing automation platform. We understood their marketing requirements and helped with customized content creation, execution, distribution, and analytics strategy. To know more about the development and implementation done by Ethosh, click below:

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Strategy 2

Industry type: Medical Device manufacture

Use cases: Digital content creation, marketing automation, campaign management

Offerings and solutions: Digital Marketing Campaign, Managed Content Services

A global medical device manufacturing company wanted to create its digital presence. Ethosh worked with them on an existing platform - Marketo – using LI, blogs, and landing pages. We performed campaign analysis and built a marketing automation promotion strategy for each product based on their needs. Designed and created microsites, interactive content, SEO, paid marketing, VR, videos, online games, and educational content for healthcare content marketing. Click below to learn more about Ethosh's approach for this company.

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Strategy 3

Industry type: Biotechnology Research

Use cases: Media Planning, Media Buying, Analytics, Ad Design

Offerings and solutions: Media Planning, Media Buying, Analytics, Ad Design

A leading Spatial Biology company launched a new product. They had a goal to create awareness of this product and reach a maximum number of target audiences. Ethosh strategically helped the client filter out the best media houses and suitable ad positions in each media house. It assisted the client in the grand launch of the new product and effectively put forth the USP of the products!

The ads ran in 24+ different ad spots across the 7 different media houses.

Ethosh helped with planning and choosing the correct publications, and we also provided other services like:

  1. Analyzing and presenting weekly performance reports (Tools used: Google Data Studio, Google Analytics, XLS)
  2. Providing strategic solutions to improve impressions or clicks
  3. Designing creatives for advertisement (Ad type: GIF, HTML 5)



Reference and Citation-


1. Funnel reference -

2. Outbound Image-





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