How science and digital customer experiences are reshaping healthcare

Explore the transformation of healthcare through the fusion of science and digital experiences, shaping a healthier and connected future


In today's rapidly evolving world, the intersection of science and technology has brought about transformative changes in virtually every aspect of our lives. Nowhere is this intersection being more noticeable than in the realm of healthcare. The fusion of scientific advancements with digital innovations has given rise to a healthcare landscape that is constantly evolving, offering unprecedented possibilities for patients and healthcare providers alike. In this blog, we will explore 5 examples where science and digital customer experiences intersect, exploring how this synergy is reshaping the very foundations of healthcare as we know it.


1. Virtual reality in medical education - 

Digital customer experiences are also revolutionizing medical education and training. Virtual Reality (VR) technology is being used to create realistic simulations of medical procedures, surgeries, and patient interactions. This immersive approach to training allows medical students and professionals to practice and refine their skills in a risk-free environment. It enhances the learning experience, ensures better retention of knowledge, and ultimately translates into higher-quality patient care.

In a recent project, to enhance engagement and inquisitiveness among gynecologists, we developed a VR-based learning experience to allow them to virtually perform the procedure in real-time, thus, building confidence in the product and themselves. This allows practitioners to perform the surgical procedure virtually before using the device in their actual practice.

2. Augmented reality -

Augmented Reality (AR) is swiftly gaining ground in healthcare, offering innovative solutions that enhance patient care, medical training, and surgical procedures. AR overlays digital information onto the real world, providing medical professionals with valuable insights during surgery, guiding precise interventions, and aiding in diagnostics through 3D visualizations of patient anatomy. Additionally, AR apps empower patients with interactive educational tools, helping them better understand their conditions and treatment options. This technology is poised to revolutionize healthcare, improving accuracy, efficiency, and patient outcomes while ushering in a new era of medical practice.

An ophthalmology-focused pharmaceutical company wanted to expand its reach and gain the confidence of HCPs and patients. Due to their busy schedules, HCPs were not able to dedicate sufficient time to patient education on glaucoma. The resulting lack of awareness about glaucoma among patients was a barrier to timely diagnoses and treatment. We gained a solid understanding of the attitudes and preferences of the HCPs and their patients through comprehensive research. Based on this information, we developed an engaging and interactive AR-based app for doctors to use as a visual aid with patients, making patient education faster and easier.

3. Gamification experiences - 

Gamification is revolutionizing healthcare by engaging patients and enhancing healthcare providers' education. Patient-focused applications and wearable devices use gamified elements to motivate individuals to follow exercise regimens, adhere to medication schedules, and manage chronic conditions. In parallel, HCP’s benefit from gamified training modules that simulate real-world healthcare scenarios. These interactive experiences help improve clinical skills, decision-making, and knowledge retention. Gamification fosters better-prepared healthcare providers, ultimately leading to higher-quality care and better health outcomes while making the healthcare journey more engaging and enjoyable.

A multinational pharmaceutical company aimed to promote antimicrobial stewardship and educate frontline healthcare providers on the best practices in infection control. Based on a study of the key personality traits of the doctors and nurses, we designed a game that accounted for their different approaches to solving problems and adhering to protocol.

4. Web series & digital mediums - 

When it comes to healthcare-oriented web series, one can't help but think of iconic shows like "Good Doctor," "Grey's Anatomy," and "House MD." Over the years, these series have not only provided entertainment but have also proven to be a valuable platform for educating the public about contemporary healthcare, fostering patient empowerment in the process. 

What's particularly noteworthy is that the impact of web series in the healthcare domain has evolved beyond simply educating the audience. Recently, these series have found a new role to actively engage and empower healthcare professionals (HCPs). Companies are increasingly recognizing the potential of these shows as tools to not only educate but also inspire and inform healthcare practitioners.

Imagine if we were to introduce you to a novel approach that combines storytelling and gamification – it might leave you intrigued. At Ethosh, we've pioneered an innovative method to actively involve healthcare professionals (HCPs) through a dedicated OTT platform that hosts a captivating web series. This series focuses on tackling challenging issues like resistant infections and molecular diagnostics. What makes it unique is the integration of gamification elements. We encourage HCPs to actively participate by making decisions at various points in the series through interactive quizzes.

5. Innovation in first-party data collection - 

The concept of the metaverse is rapidly expanding beyond gaming and entertainment, finding promising applications in healthcare. In the metaverse, healthcare professionals can collaborate in virtual environments to discuss complex cases, conduct medical simulations, and engage in advanced training. Patients can access support groups, therapy sessions, and medical consultations in immersive, secure settings. The metaverse offers a new dimension for healthcare delivery, fostering innovation and improving accessibility while creating unique opportunities for research, education, and patient care.

In preparation for the 2022 Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) conference, we developed a radiology-focused metaverse, offering interactive and immersive experiences designed to engage, educate, and inspire healthcare professionals and patients alike.


In conclusion, these technologies not only enhance the efficiency and precision of medical practices but also empower individuals to take more proactive roles in their health journey. By bridging the gap between science and digital experiences, healthcare is becoming more accessible, engaging, and effective than ever before. As we look ahead, it's evident that this fusion of science and digital innovation will continue to evolve, opening doors to new possibilities, improving patient outcomes, and redefining the very nature of healthcare itself. The future of healthcare is being shaped by these exciting developments, promising a healthier and more connected world for all.



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